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Unleash Your Fantasies: The Witcher 3 Realistic Sex Dolls

After a year of relentless dedication, Game Lady Doll proudly unveiled their highly anticipated Witcher 3 trilogy, featuring the captivating heroines: Ciri, Yennefer, and Triss. These meticulously crafted game dolls are the culmination of Game Lady‘s unwavering commitment to bringing the beloved characters to life. Fans can finally complete their collection and immerse themselves in the enchanting world of the Witcher, cherishing the intricate details and remarkable craftsmanship that Game Lady has poured into each doll.

Ciri Sex Doll

Game Lady did an excellent job designing the Ciri head (No. 5). The resemblance to Ciri from the video game, The Witcher 3, is striking. Game Lady paid great attention to detail, capturing Ciri’s distinct makeup and even incorporating her scar. However, some people might feel that the freckles on the head are slightly exaggerated. This head is intended for use with the original 168cm body. All in all, it’s another impressive and expertly crafted creation by Game Lady.

Open Mouth Ciri

Shortly after, Game Lady Dolls introduced Open Mouth Ciri (Head No. 14), which is essentially their Ciri head (Head No. 5) with an added oral structure and hinged jaw. Open Mouth Ciri (Head No. 14) maintains the same expression as its predecessor, with the only notable change being the upgraded mouth and jaw mechanism. Additionally, this version of Ciri is showcased wearing a charming white and gold Christmas outfit, complemented by reindeer antlers, on the 168cm body.

Yennefer Sex Doll

Similar to the Ciri head, the Yennefer (Head No. 14) by Game Lady exhibits a remarkable resemblance to its video game counterpart. The facial features, including moles, blemishes, and expression, are nearly identical. The implanted hair and costume further enhance the overall presentation, creating a cohesive and authentic portrayal of the character. Fans of The Witcher series should be highly satisfied with this rendition.

Triss Sex Doll

A year later, Game Lady Dolls finally unveiled Triss (Head No. 17), which was highly anticipated by fans as it was inspired by Triss Merigold from The Witcher 3. This release marked the completion of their Witcher saga, featuring Ciri, Yennefer, and now Triss. Similar to their previous two heads, the Triss Head bears a strong resemblance to the video game character, capturing her facial features accurately. Facially, she’s so pretty spot-on.

At the end of the day, I’d bet some Witcher fans are ecstatic with their glorious harem. What unexpected surprises will Game Lady Doll bring next?

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